We all have aspirations and dreams, but it can be easy to get stuck in our comfort zones, unwilling to take the necessary risks and face the challenges that come with pursuing our goals.
In this article, we'll explore the importance of pushing beyond our limits, overcoming resistance and embracing discomfort; in order to achieve growth without unnecessary suffering.
Why do we suffer unnecessarily?
When we encounter discomfort, our natural instinct is often to resist it. We may feel fear, anxiety, or doubt, and these emotions can trigger negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.
However, resistance doesn't just make discomfort more difficult to bear; it can turn discomfort into suffering.
The formula Discomfort + Resistance = Suffering highlights the role that resistance plays in limiting our ability to grow. When we resist discomfort, we create unnecessary suffering that can overshadow the potential growth experience.
In fact, the relationship between suffering and growth is often not a 1:1 ratio, but rather a 5:1 or 10:1 ratio.
We suffer multiple times for each amount of growth received, and this is often a major barrier to taking action/ being consistent.
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So, what exactly is resistance and how can it be avoided?
Resistance is that little voice inside our heads:
Inner Negative Conversation.
‘The last time I tried doing something physically hard I got injured’.
That ice bath was too cold I couldn’t bear it anymore.
The key to unlocking our growth potential is to learn to lean into discomfort and overcome resistance. By doing so, we can approach discomfort with a growth mindset and embrace it as an opportunity for learning and personal development.
This requires us to confront our fears and limiting beliefs, and to challenge ourselves to step outside of our comfort zones.
So if we can do something that makes us uncomfortable, if we can strip away the fear, the negative limiting beliefs; that ‘you can’t do this’, ‘you’re going to fail’… that inner critic
Then all of a sudden you take away the fear factor of suffering…
Now it’s a 1:1 ratio…
When we remove resistance, we turn suffering into discomfort, and discomfort can become a catalyst for growth. By leaning into discomfort, we can build resilience, develop new skills, and grow as individuals. Instead of fearing discomfort, we can learn to embrace it as a natural part of the growth process. By doing so, we can ultimately live more fulfilling lives.
“There’s no finish line in life, but enjoy that moment” — David Goggins